Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mom and Dad do Gingerbread


Linda Jones said...

Wow! I'm impressed.

emily said...

George's is too cool. How fun you guys!

HO IV and crew said...

OK...George's needs some clarification. Our guesses are 1)Gingerbread House after a hurricane, 2)Gingerbread House with roof collapse from Winter Storm or 3)Gingerbread Man trying to be "The Flying Tomato" aka Shaun White.

Ange said...

Ummm...Did George loose the instructions? :) We bought a gingerbread kit at the store this year too...and we've already eaten it. Surprisingly yummy. And of course, oh so fun.

Anna said...

Bump was the closest with Shaun White. This Gingerbread Man is actually skateboarding aka Tony Hawk. Leave it to George to change it up:)