Does anyone know what this is? It's a program that will get you from being a couch potato to running a 5K in 8 weeks. In January, I decided I wanted to RUN a 5K(3.2mile) race this year. Since I wasn't really exercising, I decided to walk at least 3x/week for the month of January and then start the running program. I purchased an app for my iPod touch and went to it. The app started me walking a minute/running a minute and then up from there. Loved that the app would let me listen to my music, but would bust in and tell me to run or walk and for how long. It was good for me. Took me up slowly so I didn't get injured or anything like that. Today, I am able to run 20 minutes straight. Pretty amazing, really.
I also purchased some
expensive awesome running shoes that I am sure have helped me be more comfortable with the running. It's hard, but I am super motivated to get up on running days. I like the thought of being a runner and I like the feeling after I am done. I don't love the doing, so much. But that sounds pretty normal, from what I hear. I am doing a 5K in May and then a 10K in late September:) My goal to actually RUN them both.
My one beef is that I have not lost weight at all. In fact, I have put on a few pounds. Everyone says, "That's just building muscle" which is great, but I would really love it if all those pounds would just fall right off. I am working out 4-5 times a week for over an hour! It seems like it should work! It's not that big of a deal, just a wish. I don't want to change my eating habits, so if I exercise that should work, right? Not so much. But I will give it time and see. If not, I feel better and feel like I look better. Clothes fit better and I know I am healthier because I can run without my lungs feeling TOTALLY on fire! It is fun and very rewarding. Come and cheer me on!
you go girl! i just love running so much. that iPod has seen many, many miles. so glad she's getting more with you! :)
That's great! I started running again in December and while I don't necessarily love running, I love that I'm able to.
My favorite things are my compression pants, I need to start hunting through sale racks again to find a pair of cool rather than hot compression pants for the warm weather.
The only reason I lose weight is because I'm doing weight watchers too.
Good luck!
Good luck on the 5k and 10k plan. Losing weight takes time, but as you get better as a runner your increase in muscle will burn more calories.
I lost 25 lbs in about 4 months when I started running without changing my diet.
YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Running isn't really for me either. But I would like to get into it. I'll be rooting for you! GO ANNA GO!!!!
Hey! Good luck to you. My husband is a runner (age 44) and has been since high school, I'm just beginning (age 40). It's a great stress reducer for me. We have 2 children and I work inside and outside the home. I also found that I gained a couple of pounds myself and was a little bummed by that but my clothes still fit the same way. My only goal to finish a 5K is to finish it running (no matter what my time is!) Hope this works out for you and you truly enjoy it.
my sister did this a few years ago...
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